Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's finally done xD

Yeah, I finished the hideout. It sucks. Real bad. xD
If you're interested in playing this game, it's called Eden. According to the App Store, it was an inspiration of Minecraft.
Done with the facts, let's tour around~ 
We'll tour branch one first, because I made the clan, this hideout, and everything. :3 And Branch one's my branch...
Yeah. That's the training room. (Sorry for the Eden controls in the way, I can't fix it xD)
Moving on.

It's called a dining room and an emergency room. Have some imagination x______x;; The table's all slippery so if you go on the table and bump into Rawr.. you're in for a big punishment. Anyways, that green "chair" is mine :3

A brief picture of the bedroom. Those aren't painted leaves. It's called patterns :>

My badass, pretty, green bed. By the way, my favorite color's green... xD

My expertly made computer, table, and chair. :D...

The hell x_x Anyways, moving onto branch two which sucks even worse or is as bad! 

My expertly made target practice. Badass. ...

It's the same thing. Slide on the table and bump into Sam or Lillie, and you have a punishment. You can barely see the emergency area but yeah.. xD

Sam and Lillie share a room because there's two leaders for branch two. Makes less work for Sam.


............................... Sam, Lillie, your beds aren't made of water. They're see-through :D

Moving on to branch 3. 

A horribly taken picture of the bedroom. Not bothering to get another one. :3

Katie's bedroom with a computer. :3

We have an extra one now. We're going to the rainbow hotel~ Much more colorful than the Shadow Youth Hideout but it still sucks ass so have fun ^ ^;

Pretty isn't it? Wait until you see the inside. It sucks. A lot. xD

Hope you can read that. Anyways, he's on crack...

Here are the low class rooms~ Let's see the typical low class room.

o_O We should go...

Medium class rooms~ Don't tell them it's just stone. At least it's better than dirt. xD Let's look at a typical medium class room.

Nyan bat's impossible, isn't it? >_<;;

High class rooms~ Let's look at the typical high class room.

What a relief ^ ^; But we might have to go or else we'll seem like creepers v.v

I actually feel pretty bad. Anyways, this "bush" is actually used as a bathroom. Once in a while the water's refilled by this guy.

But after that, the water becomes pee again. So the poor dude's filling the bush 24/7.

Finally, we're in my Rainbow tunnel~ Let's see where it takes us.

Lillie's constructing a sexy water mansion so support her please~ Give suggestions if you want but I hope she already has it all planned o.0

And that's it~ God this was a long post. Longest in this blog... x__________x So many pictures xD
See you next time I post xD

-Sensei Rawr, 1st Leader of Shadow Youth and creator of the clan and blog.

P.S To Lillie:
Sam wanted to say this now that you guys share rooms. This is what he said...