Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Spied on the Shinzukage Yesterday!!

It was while Kidachi the Bitch wasn't there. Apparently, the two dudes thought I was also a Shinzukage and talked about random crap. Here's the info I collected...
Apparently Sasori has a crush on Sakura. He doesn't have a girlfriend. xD The other guy did and was all like "Oh.. I'm sorry." 
Then Sasori was like "SASORI NEVER FEELS SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 
LOL I can't believe they thought I was a Shinzukage. READ DA PROFILE!

I can only make one conclusion: Da Shinzukage are random Naruto posers (not meaning you, Jet Engine! UR A NICE DUDE) with no lives whatsoever and not really a ninja clan. -.- I feel pretty bad. Kinda. But then again.. screw Kidachi.
I like trash talking him :D    

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lesson 4- Chameleon

Sensei mode: Today I will be teaching you how to disguise yourself. Have fun and come up with decent disguises!

Step 1: Look through your closet and see if you can find something that will camouflage you. I hope you know what camouflage means because as a sensei, I shouldn't be defining almighty and big shitty words. 
Those were a few words from the 3rd leader.
Children: Third leader? Wtf?
Yeah, I know.
Translation: Oii Kura means Oii Maggot!
Anyways, moving on.

Step 2: After you find whatever crap you're wearing, activate your RAH. I hope you mastered it because you really need it. Important for all fighting classes.

Step 3: Put on your disguise and head out!

Step 4: If someone happens to see you, CALM THE F*** DOWN! Because, you have your disguise. Pretend you're taking a leisurely stroll. Oh yeah, only do this if you think your enemy saw you.
*Tip: Have Haru from REBORN! as your idol. :3
*TIP FROM LILLIE!!! : If that doesn't work... DO EVERYTHING IN HIGH TENSION!!! :D
The above tip is from Angel Beats, one of the best non ongoing animes ever.

Step 5: If that person sees through your disguise, STILL CALM THE F*** DOWN! Because, you have your.. you don't have anything. You have high tension and that's all. Pretend you're a completely different person with no intention to fight. Example from REBORN! :
Lussuria Quote: Deemoo *wiggling butt*
Awkward but I don't give a crap as long as you can get through your mission.

Step 6: Complete your mission as soon as you finish all these steps. :3

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The blog... I know a way to save it

The blog is soo boring so far D:<
I'm gonna make something like a Mad Lib..
It shall be called Ninja Libs!
The first one will be done by me and Lillie (I make the stories and Lillie fills the blanks in) Stay tuned ;o

(Mother and Daughter, Good vs Bad) And the Winner is....

1st Place: B-both?!!?
Really guys? Both? I suppose that makes both of them win...

2nd Place: Good AND Bad
Either way both would win, even if I didn't put in a both choice. People, please. Don't be craazy.

And that's pretty much it. I will be thinking up another poll as soon as I can!

Hm... (Kidachi's message board)


I know I haven't posted in FOREVER! But..guess what?
An Akatsuki who's Kidachi's step brother told me Shinzukage will break up.
I was thinking (the hell?) and then I was like YAYYYYYYY CELEBRATE!! WOOHOO! BITCHES!
Then teh guy told me that he was Kidachi's step bro and I was like "Oh.. xD Sorry but, Kidachi pissed me off really bad" and then he's like "It's alright I hate Kidachi too" and then we just started hanging out but then he poofed randomly. I didn't add him, sadly.
But you know what this means? 
Um.. not really. Is the guy lying to me or is Shinzukage REALLY breaking up? If the guy's lying to me.. then we need healing mages. If Shinzukage is really breaking up, then we STILL need healing mages. Uhh, that's not the point. If Shinzukage is really breaking up, then what's gonna happen. 
I don't even know if we need a meeting or not. I mean, it's the Shinzukage business even though I totally hate Kidachi and his other Naruto posing slaves. Other than Mikuo and Jet Engine. And Kasumi, but idk if she's a Shinzu or not. Moving on.
The point is, Shinzukage might or might not be breaking up. Who knows?