Saturday, January 7, 2012


I know I haven't posted in FOREVER! But..guess what?
An Akatsuki who's Kidachi's step brother told me Shinzukage will break up.
I was thinking (the hell?) and then I was like YAYYYYYYY CELEBRATE!! WOOHOO! BITCHES!
Then teh guy told me that he was Kidachi's step bro and I was like "Oh.. xD Sorry but, Kidachi pissed me off really bad" and then he's like "It's alright I hate Kidachi too" and then we just started hanging out but then he poofed randomly. I didn't add him, sadly.
But you know what this means? 
Um.. not really. Is the guy lying to me or is Shinzukage REALLY breaking up? If the guy's lying to me.. then we need healing mages. If Shinzukage is really breaking up, then we STILL need healing mages. Uhh, that's not the point. If Shinzukage is really breaking up, then what's gonna happen. 
I don't even know if we need a meeting or not. I mean, it's the Shinzukage business even though I totally hate Kidachi and his other Naruto posing slaves. Other than Mikuo and Jet Engine. And Kasumi, but idk if she's a Shinzu or not. Moving on.
The point is, Shinzukage might or might not be breaking up. Who knows?

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