Friday, December 30, 2011

Uh-huh, yep, meeting cancelled. Yep, screw that.

Kidachi is officially a heartless asshole along with his asshole slaves. He's a bitch with no life.
In other words, we're not allies. I don't wanna explain what happened because it will make me seem like the shittiest leader in Ameba Pico. I'm frustrated. SNZ are heartless asses. 

LOLOL Lillie made this ^ ^ :3

Major Meeting 1: SNZ and SY: Allies or Not?

You know.. SNZ can be pretty heartless. Yesterday Kidachi was an ass to me because of Lillie, but she didn't know better. She only asked two members to join, and another one actually wanted to join, so I let him. Yesterday... Kidachi whispered me right before I dced. He said: "Stop recruiting my fucking members!" I was thinking: Screw you.
I hate SNZ now, and I don't regret anything I did. But, as Katie and I are still friends with Kidachi...

This calls for a meeting. Not like some little meeting where someone's recruited. I mean a meeting. We gotta discuss...
Is Shinzukage and Shadow Youth allies or not? SNZ are assholes sometimes, but Katie's still friends with Kidachi since I haven't told her yet. And if we are allies, what will happen? If we're not allies, what are the consequences? What's gonna happen?

Many questions, which is why we need to hold a meeting.
A meeting should consist of at least four people, so when four members are on (including me) I'll whisper them randomly...
Or should I just do something different? 
I think I'll just hold a meeting with all the big Shadow Youths. Like, people who actually know about SNZ.

Or, if you'd like, comment below and say if we should be allies or not. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mother and Daughter: Good vs Bad

My so-called mother. But seriously, she looks nice, I wonder if I should change my look to that. ^ ^
Here, I inverted it in paint. The blue looks nice but it's fawking creepy Dx

Which one will win? Cast your vote on top of the blog sidebar. :3 First survey. Epic.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Akatsuki base taken over.. for now

The operation pissed me off because no Akatsukis were coming on. It will be declared our base until Akatsukis come on. Favorite it, I guess. Room of.. Some blank name. When you come online follow me and favorite.

Mission 1: Operation Invade

Today's mission is invading Akatsuki's base just because it's big and has 5 rooms.
The plan is to, when Akatsukis are in the Akatsuki base we will invade and assassinate them. This is how we will take over the Akatsuki base.
Lillie, our brave 3rd in command will be innocent looking and go on making them think that Lillie's innocent, just because she's the cutest member of the group..
Then we will kill them.... and kidnap all the nice ones c:

-Lord Rawr

Monday, December 26, 2011

Lesson 3: How to Capture Someone

Hello~ I'm posting this while waiting for the semaphore error in pico to clear out. So enjoy!

Sensei mode: Today I will be teaching you how to catch someone when they're using RAH. I learned step 2 while in the clan Akatsuki (thanks Ino :3).

Step 1: Activate the ASS you passed or mastered. This should help speed you up.

Step 2: Look at where they're RAH-ing, except doing only one, run.
They will usually going at a pattern, sometimes complicated, sometimes easy. Study their pattern.

Step 3: Chase after them. Try and catch them no matter what if you need to.

Step 4: If they escape, look around for them. They probably activated RAH (hide)

Step 5: Once you find them, run at them like the wind, as fast or faster than lighting, like a ninja.

Step 6: You should have captured them by now. Take them where you need to take them, like prisoner or something.
*Tip: If you're capturing more than one person and have no clan, get your friends to help. If you have a clan, get them to help. If you have no clan or friends.. uh.. well.. yep.. you're on your own, buddy. ...Not helpful at all. :3

And that's pretty much it! Good luck capturing the idiot you have to capture! And also taking them prisoner! :3

Lesson 2: How a Ninja's Training Day should be

Sensei mode: Today, I will be teaching you how a training day should be. Follow these steps and you should be able to master the 4 stances!

Step 1: Morning! Wake up to sunshine, rain, snow, thunder, I really don't care.

Step 2: Eat yo breakfast! :3 Eat something to fuel up for your training, like rice, ramen, cereal, whatever fuels you up.

Step 3: Train stance 1 if you haven't mastered it. Run like the wind, be as fast as thunder (or faster) and train your ASS off! (get it? :3)

Step 4: Train stance 2 if you haven't mastered it. 
For weapons, you will need a training dummy. Buy yourself a training dummy and train on it!
*Tip: If you're angry, take your anger out on the dummy!
**Better Tip: If you're REALLY angry at someone, get them to be your dummy! Have fun!

Step 5: Lunch time! Eat something that will fuel you up again. IF YOU WASTE FOOD, YOU DIE!

Step 6: Train stance 3 if you haven't mastered it. Get a partner to try to find you, and while you use your ASS to run away (that's why  you do ASS first..) your partner will find you. If they take a long time to find you, then you pass this stance. If they found you in a short amount of time, you fail.
*Tip: To have fun with this stance, play hide and seek. Kids have been doing this and probably passed in a kids term. Basically if you don't play hide and seek you're worse than a kid.

Step 7: Keep training until dinnertime.

Step 8: Dinnertime! Eat something, whatever you want, you don't have to fuel yourself since it's the nighttime.

Step 9: Do whatever you want.

Step 10: Good night :)

Step 11: New day! Repeat all steps if you're having 2 or more training days in a row.

So that's how your training day should be. I hope you have a bit of fun as well as becoming a stronger ninja. Good luck, Shadow Youths and other ninjas!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Lesson 1: The 4 Stances

(Sensei mode) Today I will be teaching you a part of how to be a ninja. You must, and I mean MUSTTT!!.. master the 4 stances.
The four stances are ASS, WAD, RAH, LID. Their meanings are...

ASS (for being a fast ninja) stands for- Agility, Stealth, Stamina

WAD (for combat) stands for- Weapons And Defense

RAH (for escaping) stands for- Run And Hide

LID (for mastering the other 3 stances PERFECTLY) stands for-
Lord Is Done.

It's not as easy as it sounds. I took a very long time to master them all. Good luck, picos!

-From LordRawr

Merry Christmas Shadow Youths! and other picos!

So.. welcome to my blog. I know, I know, it's lame right now unlike the Bubble Bouncers blog.
I'll develop it more later xD For now, we have this. Yep.. that's all.

Merry Christmas though :3 Happy Holidays :3
I don't get why some people say Happy New Year early. .-. I mean, it's still December.
Anyways Happy Holidays :3

From Lord Rawr