Monday, December 26, 2011

Lesson 2: How a Ninja's Training Day should be

Sensei mode: Today, I will be teaching you how a training day should be. Follow these steps and you should be able to master the 4 stances!

Step 1: Morning! Wake up to sunshine, rain, snow, thunder, I really don't care.

Step 2: Eat yo breakfast! :3 Eat something to fuel up for your training, like rice, ramen, cereal, whatever fuels you up.

Step 3: Train stance 1 if you haven't mastered it. Run like the wind, be as fast as thunder (or faster) and train your ASS off! (get it? :3)

Step 4: Train stance 2 if you haven't mastered it. 
For weapons, you will need a training dummy. Buy yourself a training dummy and train on it!
*Tip: If you're angry, take your anger out on the dummy!
**Better Tip: If you're REALLY angry at someone, get them to be your dummy! Have fun!

Step 5: Lunch time! Eat something that will fuel you up again. IF YOU WASTE FOOD, YOU DIE!

Step 6: Train stance 3 if you haven't mastered it. Get a partner to try to find you, and while you use your ASS to run away (that's why  you do ASS first..) your partner will find you. If they take a long time to find you, then you pass this stance. If they found you in a short amount of time, you fail.
*Tip: To have fun with this stance, play hide and seek. Kids have been doing this and probably passed in a kids term. Basically if you don't play hide and seek you're worse than a kid.

Step 7: Keep training until dinnertime.

Step 8: Dinnertime! Eat something, whatever you want, you don't have to fuel yourself since it's the nighttime.

Step 9: Do whatever you want.

Step 10: Good night :)

Step 11: New day! Repeat all steps if you're having 2 or more training days in a row.

So that's how your training day should be. I hope you have a bit of fun as well as becoming a stronger ninja. Good luck, Shadow Youths and other ninjas!

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