Friday, December 30, 2011

Major Meeting 1: SNZ and SY: Allies or Not?

You know.. SNZ can be pretty heartless. Yesterday Kidachi was an ass to me because of Lillie, but she didn't know better. She only asked two members to join, and another one actually wanted to join, so I let him. Yesterday... Kidachi whispered me right before I dced. He said: "Stop recruiting my fucking members!" I was thinking: Screw you.
I hate SNZ now, and I don't regret anything I did. But, as Katie and I are still friends with Kidachi...

This calls for a meeting. Not like some little meeting where someone's recruited. I mean a meeting. We gotta discuss...
Is Shinzukage and Shadow Youth allies or not? SNZ are assholes sometimes, but Katie's still friends with Kidachi since I haven't told her yet. And if we are allies, what will happen? If we're not allies, what are the consequences? What's gonna happen?

Many questions, which is why we need to hold a meeting.
A meeting should consist of at least four people, so when four members are on (including me) I'll whisper them randomly...
Or should I just do something different? 
I think I'll just hold a meeting with all the big Shadow Youths. Like, people who actually know about SNZ.

Or, if you'd like, comment below and say if we should be allies or not. 

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