Monday, December 26, 2011

Lesson 3: How to Capture Someone

Hello~ I'm posting this while waiting for the semaphore error in pico to clear out. So enjoy!

Sensei mode: Today I will be teaching you how to catch someone when they're using RAH. I learned step 2 while in the clan Akatsuki (thanks Ino :3).

Step 1: Activate the ASS you passed or mastered. This should help speed you up.

Step 2: Look at where they're RAH-ing, except doing only one, run.
They will usually going at a pattern, sometimes complicated, sometimes easy. Study their pattern.

Step 3: Chase after them. Try and catch them no matter what if you need to.

Step 4: If they escape, look around for them. They probably activated RAH (hide)

Step 5: Once you find them, run at them like the wind, as fast or faster than lighting, like a ninja.

Step 6: You should have captured them by now. Take them where you need to take them, like prisoner or something.
*Tip: If you're capturing more than one person and have no clan, get your friends to help. If you have a clan, get them to help. If you have no clan or friends.. uh.. well.. yep.. you're on your own, buddy. ...Not helpful at all. :3

And that's pretty much it! Good luck capturing the idiot you have to capture! And also taking them prisoner! :3

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